This is a photo challenge to take a picture a week, for 52 weeks. We have multiple contributors posting from around the world on the same theme by Sunday night. The weekly themes are listed at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I have a problem when it comes to potato chips. I try hard to leave them in the store but unfortunately the Kettle Sea Salt and Vinegar were not removed from my cart.


  1. The best yet! Janet, you never cease to amaze me, first with your imagination for pictures (and the places you find them) and second, POTATO CHIPS... that took courage! What next!?!

  2. Funny too that there appears to be an ad for McDonald's at the front of the cart.

  3. What a clever idea Janet. As you were taking the photo did you get any strange looks from other shoppers pushing their carts?

  4. A vice I share - savory over sweet.

  5. I love this picture but I am sweet over savoury!

  6. What a hoot! Had my share of Kettle Chips tonight , only the brown bag/ lightly salted!
    Yes I lean toward salt over sugar !
    Great shopping card pic.
