This is a photo challenge to take a picture a week, for 52 weeks. We have multiple contributors posting from around the world on the same theme by Sunday night. The weekly themes are listed at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


A leaf's view of the world


  1. It sure looks like you climbed a tree with your camera to take this spectacular photo. Sounds dangerous. I think Gemma will be very proud and I am sure you are now a member of the "crazy club".

    1. I agree with Janet. This makes you crazy. Plenty of cool people in the club :)

  2. Very clever..and reminds me of Nelson's probable view as he decided to spend the night up a tree!!
    Nelson is Gemma's curious kitty.

  3. Great perspective! Wish I could climb a tree. Well, I could climb one, it's the getting down I would have a problem with!
