This is a photo challenge to take a picture a week, for 52 weeks. We have multiple contributors posting from around the world on the same theme by Sunday night. The weekly themes are listed at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!

Monday, October 21, 2013


re·flec·tion (r-flek'shun) careful or long consideration or thought, to muse

I photographed this through glass, so I was very glad there WASN'T a reflection in the glass.  :-P 
Yay for morning walks at the zoo!  


  1. Oh my gosh, I have just fallen head over heals in love. Great photo. Love It!!!!

  2. Is this 'Member' by any chance? Very special capture of a reflective gorilla.. if I guess right.
    Someone I knew, named Gordon Mills donated Member to the San Diego Zoo eons ago; he should have a plaque somewhere around the gorilla's exhibition.

    1. I don't know if that is Member -- will look for the plaque next time we're there.

  3. Fabulous! Love his eyes, so thoughtful, and yes, reflective!

  4. wow, where we come from wrinkles aren't thought to be attractive, but that's one good looking ape :) Amazing detail in the hair as well, you can even see the fuzz on the chin. Yay for morning walks at the zoo!

  5. I bet he's thinking, "Who's that pretty blonde with the camera??"

  6. Tell me... is the zoo free to visit because I am concerned that this blog is going to bankrupt you all x great shot

    1. Gemma, we buy the year pass -- I think it's about $120 for hubby and I. Since we are only about 20 minutes away we love to go just to exercise. (Most of my friends have passes too - so it's PERFECT!)

  7. Thanks for the chuckle Gemma. I also wondered if the zoo is free or if you purchase a yearly pass.
    Would this be the same zoo that our Toronto. Ontario elephants just left to make the trip down to join your elephants in California. I know Bob Barker was waiting for them.

    1. Janet - did some googling, Bob Barker sent them to a sanctuary in San Andreas -- he spent almost a million dollars. Thanks for sharing that!

  8. See what I mean - I could go to the zoo every day too!!! What a great photo of such a good looking gorilla!!
