This is a photo challenge to take a picture a week, for 52 weeks. We have multiple contributors posting from around the world on the same theme by Sunday night. The weekly themes are listed at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Just had to post two photos this week...we live the simplicity theme. This is our shower. It shower sits on the side of our hill, we shower under the stars or the sun and have a magnificent view. There are no walls and we use the bucket rather than pipes you can see at the back (which don't work). Our staff fill the bucket with hot water each evening and morning.
We are really very lucky, our house doesn't need a kitchen, laundry storeroom etc as we have those facilities in the camp.....and they are simple too.


  1. Amazing. Wow......... yep that is simplicity at it's best!

  2. How much water does the bucket hold? Incredible and fascinating! Great simplistic photo.

  3. What a fantastic representation. I'm way too shy to shower with no walls. I give you credit!

  4. I agree with Kim. I am not sure how I would feel about not having walls. I guess you would get used to it. Great picture for simplicity.

  5. As always, I love your photos and interpretations.

  6. I feel so spoiled with my shower with walls, faucets, running water...

  7. oh my gosh, I'm SOO jealous! I am not like Kim or Janet, that looks AMAZING. More info please? Does everyone in Tanzania live this way? Is there any animals to wake you up at night?? What would it take to get an invitation!! (sorry, that one slipped out!)
