This is a photo challenge to take a picture a week, for 52 weeks. We have multiple contributors posting from around the world on the same theme by Sunday night. The weekly themes are listed at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Pam, I found a band picture to fit into the theme this week, and it isn't a rusty instrument!  The uniforms the band wears are getting old.  This shako (what the hats are called) needs a new strap as the buckle is rusting away.


  1. You did it! Great job keeping with your band theme!

  2. Lisa, I'm sorry to say I doubted you on getting RUST and BAND but by golly you've done it!

  3. Yeah, for the rusty strap, and for adapting the band with every theme. We enjoy it tremendously.

  4. How in the world did you find it! Very clever and great shot.
