This is a photo challenge to take a picture a week, for 52 weeks. We have multiple contributors posting from around the world on the same theme by Sunday night. The weekly themes are listed at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
In our house the word 'competition' is synonymous with 'dance.' This is the garment rack of this year's costumes that we roll out for competitions and recitals.
Ok - competition was way harder thn i thought it would be. Tons of opportunities but in a picture kind of hard to see. So - here is a race to the finish line - it doesn't really grasp what i saw but alas it is what i ended up with! good theme!
My friend told me about these two pizza restaurants a few weeks ago. They're near the University of Toronto and pizza-loving students there always have a preference for one or the other, words and expletives flying over which is best. Either way, bit of friendly competition ensures the students get a good slice at a decent price!
Guess what I did today?... gained two balls while trying to find mine in the long weeds.
Guess who didn't win this competition?!
Enjoyed a fun hike today with friends in Cold Springs, NY. There was some intense competition over whose husband could make it to the top first with the babies and backpacks.
Wasn't sure I would I would find competition on the beach... But my father in law didn't let me down. He looks relaxed with cigar in his mouth but he was taking this pretty seriously!
Three hungry donkeys compete for red delicious apples. I'm visiting my in-laws in Ireland and these are their pets!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
My son's friends were over for a game of Who Can Catch The Tennis Ball Jumping Off The Diving Board.
Went to the Scottish Highland Games and Gathering of the Clans and watched some of their competitions. The bagpipes were lovely to listen to, and the caber toss was fun to watch, but my favorite was the sheep dog trials. Those dogs are amazing!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Yes, Im sorry but yet again I am posting another a puppy photo. Ben and Morton fell asleep on the been bag which was originally Mortys... Ben has tried to take over his favorite sleeping spot! The opportunity was too cute to miss. I promise next week Ill do something else... no more Morty for a while!
If you have any spare time, check out my new blog
I am going to be posting photos and anything else that goes on in my life! Have a great week,
Em xxx
If you have any spare time, check out my new blog
I am going to be posting photos and anything else that goes on in my life! Have a great week,
Em xxx
Can you tell I really enjoyed being a soccer mom this week? I couldn't forget about D, especially with that competitive face on.
Heineken's competition needs to watch out. Long Island Railroad now hawking beer adverts on the trains. Wonder if the fares will go down with their new revenue?Doubtful.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
My husband, who is a coach, enjoying a little one on one competition with his players. Not bad for a "veteran" staff member.
There has not been much competing around here this week. With the extremely hot and humid temperatures it has a lot of people indoors but I had some fun early this morning.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
My family and I went back to the Fair for more FUN! This time we watched the baby pig races and it was a hoot to see the crowd so into the race!
Monday, June 24, 2013
At the San Diego County Fair, the theme is "Game On," and there is an exhibit hall full of games for people to play. This family is playing the board game "Sorry," and competing to win!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
F is for
finally posting... We had lots of Farewells this week so my camera didn't come out much. Barely made it to posting today but luckily I got to hang out with my flirty french friend this afternoon. Not even three years old and such a ladies man.
F is for...
F is for Footings which were finally poured on the weekend. Next step. The blocks will be layed for the crawl space under the new cottage.
F is for...
I wasn't supposed to take pictures of this morning's car commercial shoot in downtown Chicago (least I can do is refrain from sharing the brand name), but alas, the will of a photo blogger is too great.
Helicopters flying between buildings - no big deal...
I wasn't supposed to take pictures of this morning's car commercial shoot in downtown Chicago (least I can do is refrain from sharing the brand name), but alas, the will of a photo blogger is too great.
Helicopters flying between buildings - no big deal...
F is For... FRISBEE!
Once again, Morty is the star of my 52 photos post. We took Morton to the beach again this weekend and introduced him to a Frisbee for the very first time. His response was one of the cutest things ever! I have to be quick because our wifi is broken and Im using prepaid! That's how dedicated I am :) 
Saturday, June 22, 2013
F is for...
Furnace! Found this in the basement of my apartment building, and inscribed are the words: "Donley Brothers, Cleveland" [Ohio].
F Is For...
... flags flying over Bryn Mawr college this past week, where I attended a corporate program. Luckily the theme wasn't D is For... because then I would have shared the dorm room I called home this week.
F is for
Family. Just spent one of the best weeks with mine in Nantucket. Took this of the whole crew (minus babies) on our last night at dinner. Sad to leave everyone but such great memories of a wonderful week.
F is for...
James and I had to post a second photo this week. "F" is for food which this bear was rumaging through our trash cans for. "F" is for frightening which decribes the bear running through the woods after James had the idea of pushing the panic button on our car. "Frightening" also describes how we felt, since the bear was right outside the door to the house!
F is for...
James' idea for this week: "f" is for football, one of America's pastimes. "F" is for fleur-de-lis. Luke, James' twin brother claimed he was a Saints' fan, but we know it was only because he loved the fleur-de-lis which is the Saints' logo. (Luke even picked out a fleur-de-lis door stop for his bedroom. Amazing taste for a 12 year old boy!!) We miss you Luka! xoxoxoxo
Friday, June 21, 2013 for Fairway
A fairway playing golf in Collingwood at Blue Mountain for work. Now my brother-in-law can see i do actually leave my home!!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
F is for...
Friendship. It's been way too long since I've sat for a chat with my sister.
Technically I DID take this picture, I just used my timer.
Best lunch I've had in a long time Janet!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
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